23 Dezembro 2024
IRIS² Industry Info Day Background:
The SpaceRISE consortium, consisting of Eutelsat, Hispasat and SES, has officially signed the Concession Agreement with the European Commission (EC), including activities performed by the European Space Agency (ESA) acting on behalf of the EC, as well as the Partnership Project Contract with ESA. The agreement will see the SpaceRISE consortium design, deliver, and operate the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity, and Security by Satellite (IRIS²) over the next 12 years.
The IRIS² Satellite Constellation is the European Union’s third flagship programme, addressing long-term challenges of EU’s sovereignty, security, safety and resilience by offering enhanced connectivity services to governmental users. In the context of current geopolitical challenges, IRIS² marks the beginning of an autonomous, sovereign, multi-layer, and multi-mission European constellation highlighting the strategic role of the European space value chain.
The new multi-orbital constellation of 290 satellites will combine the benefits offered by Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) and Low Earth (LEO) satellites. It is set to provide secure connectivity services to the EU and its Member States as well as broadband connectivity for governmental authorities, private companies and citizens, while ensuring high-speed internet broadband to cope with connectivity dead zones.
About the IRIS² Industry Info Day event:
As the next step, SpaceRISE is excited to host an Info Day to update the European industry and potential subcontractors on the IRIS² status, and present opportunities to participate in the programme. Furthermore, this event will give the opportunity to businesses to connect with SpaceRISE members, share their expertise and explore possibilities for future collaboration.
Detailed agenda coming soon.
Location, date and practicalities:
The 1-day event will take place in Brussels during the week of 10 February 2025: exact date, location and the link to register will be communicated soon. Remote participation will also be possible for registered participants.
To support the efficiency of exchanges on the day, each company may register a maximum of two participants. On-site participation will be possible until maximum capacity is reached, allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Useful links about IRIS²: