
UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo): VII HISPASAT Meeting of Space Telecommunications

In 2014 HISPASAT organised the VII Meeting of Space Telecommunications, with over 30 speakers from the main aerospace and telecommunications companies across the globe.

The debates during the year focused on “Technological advances: The satellites of the future”, held in six working sessions where the top executives of the industry’s main companies (manufacturers, launchers, operators), alongside insurance companies and the Spanish government, analysed the innovation developed in satellite telecommunications, challenges posed by implementing these innovations, and how the market and future technology will be shaped by the satellite sector.

Complutense University of Madrid’s Summer Courses in El Escorial

HISPASAT makes the dissemination of knowledge possible, and facilitates access to information on the Complutense University of Madrid’s Summer Courses in El Escorial, wherever their satellite coverage reaches.

The technological solution that allows television signals to be transmitted consists of a link via satellite that is used by all news services and television programmes in order to send out the images and news updates on the courses that are prepared and distributed by the Complutense University’s production house (UCMTV).



In 2014, HISPASAT once again facilitated communication for the Ruta BBVA and its journey to Peru. In its twenty-ninth edition, “In search of the sources of the Amazon River”, the operator provided satellite broadband connection to the organisation, the expedition team and journalists on their adventure.

Moreover, the expedition in Peru was able to communicate directly with their families in Spain through a videoconference held live via satellite from HISPASAT’s satellite control centre.

The Ruta BBVA is a highly valued project for HISPASAT since it produces cultural and educational exchange, and because its area of coverage is the Americas.

The Vuelta Cycling Tour of Spain

In 2014, HISPASAT continued to provide telecommunication services and the most advanced technology that currently exists in order to deliver broadband Internet access via satellite to the 69th edition of the Vuelta Cycling Tour of Spain. By using two mobile units, equipped with a satellite transmission system, HISPASAT provided broadband Internet, telephone, and video service for the organisation as well as for journalists.

Spanish Rugby Federation

As a sponsor of the Spanish Rugby Federation, in 2014 HISPASAT broadcast international matches played in Spain via satellite for both men’s and women’s national teams.


HISPASAT signed an agreement with the Ibero-American Association of Educational and Cultural Television (ATEI) to provide satellite services to their network of partners and distributors in Europe, as well as to broadcast their channel. They also collaborate on the distribution via satellite of cultural and informative events.

Princess of Girona Foundation

In 2014, HISPASAT continued their participation in the “Mentoring Talent” project of the Princess of Girona Foundation. In the programme, they collaborate with nine mentors in order to support talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them in areas related to future job possibilities and fostering their initiative and talent, ten schools ships are also awared in order to facilitate the attendance of youth at Forum Impulsa, organizated by the Foundation

Official School of Telecommunications Engineering

In 2014, HISPASAT once again sponsored the awards for the best doctoral theses and final university projects in their goal to continue to promote excellence among young engineers.

Solidarity sponsorships

Alongside their collaboration in previous years with UNICEF’s “Multiply for the Children” Project and Gavi’s “Business Alliance for Child Vaccination”, HISPASAT also collaborated with the Spanish Red Cross by making a donation to the “Emergency Fund” programme, and with the Fundación Estudiantes to finance projects promoting equality and inclusion for disabled people. They also participated in the Fundación Créate, whose funds go towards fostering entrepreneurship in Spanish educational centres.