Hispasat provides new tools that enable our clients to improve the way they contact us, especially in adverse circumstances. This system consists of

  • 24/7 customer service with high call-handling capacity in three languages (Spanish, Portuguese and English).
  • A uniform ticket-opening system, and efficiently redirect calls to the corresponding area.
  • Better 24/7 service coverage in all the countries we operate in, providing local area telephone lines in almost all of them. Increase the efficiency of customer service delivery by having complete and uniform information that enables better real time interaction.
  • Better follow-up on incidents that occur in the launching service up to the time they are resolved, implementing both a regular reporting system and the ability to have interactive web access to said status information, thus improving communication.

Customer service telephone numbers

You can find more information in the following documents:

Customer Service and support Manual

Customer Form

Conforme al RGPD y la LOPDGDD, HISPASAT, S.A. tratará los datos facilitados, con la finalidad de contestar las dudas y/o quejas planteadas a través del presente formulario y facilitar la información solicitada. Siempre que nos lo autorice previamente, enviaremos información relacionada con actividad de la entidad. Podrá ejercer, si lo desea, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, y demás reconocidos en la normativa mencionada. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo estamos tratando sus datos, acceda a nuestra Privacy Policy.
