Hispasat rolls out its comprehensive fire protection system in three new areas reforested by Green Engine

This Bseed WATCH fire prevention and early detection system, the result of a collaboration between Hispasat and the company Pyro Fire Extinction, has been implemented in Alpedrinha (Portugal) and will soon be installed in Nuñomoral (Extremadura) and Allande and Grandas de Salime (Asturias).

Hispasat is the technological partner of Repsol Foundation and Sylvestris in Green Engine, a reforestation initiative in Spain and Portugal to offset CO2 emissions.

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HISPASAT convoca la VIII Beca de estudios aeroespaciales para mujeres ingenieras

El operador fomenta el talento femenino en las áreas de ingeniería para incrementar la presencia de mujeres en el sector.

La Beca Hispasat “Mujer Ingeniera” financia los estudios de postgrado en el ámbito aeroespacial a una alumna de Ingeniería Aeronáutica o de Telecomunicaciones.

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Netlife to incorporate Hispasat’s Wave OTT Plus VOD platform to its offer

The white label OTT platform of Hispasat is an ideal turnkey solution to offer users a high-quality entertainment service with a variable cost model and a reduced time-to-market.

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